The Atomic Industry Development Association (AIDA) is a nuclear industry development platform that combines industry best practices with international best practices to support and protect the interests of participants in Kazakhstan’s nuclear and energy industries.

About us

Atomic Industry Development Association (AIDA) was established in April 2024 as a non-profit incorporated organization (NPIO), registered in the International Financial Center “Astana”.

Taking into consideration the cornerstone importance of the advancement of civil nuclear industry, as well as the positive outcome of the national Referendum on the construction of the first Nuclear Power Plant, for stable economic growth and energy security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the establishment of AIDA was driven by the lack of a unified platform for the prompt coordination of the nuclear and energy industries of Kazakhstan and for advocacy of joint position and development vision.


To create a platform combining the advanced industry expertise with best international practices for protection of the interests of Kazakhstan’s nuclear industry entities in light of the global “revival” of the nuclear energy sector and its pivotal role for Kazakhstan’s energy security and sustainable development.


Uniting the industry and national regulators for the cohesion in the development of sustainable and coordinated nuclear technology, science and industry sectors

Board of Directors ​

Aldiyar Toktarov
Chairman of AIDA

Timur Zhantikin
Member of the AIDA Board of Directors
General Director of KNPP LLP

Dastan Eleukenov
Member of the AIDA Board of Directors

Bauyrzhan Ibraev
Member of the AIDA Board of Directors
Chairman of the New Nuclear Watch Institute (NNWI) in Central Asia

Azamatkhan Amirtaev Member of the AIDA Board of Directors Chairman of the Green Party of Kazakhstan “BAYTAQ”

Structure of the Association

Project groups

Mining Projects Group

Comprehensive assistance for projects in extraction and marketing of Uranium, with the advancement of the economically feasible and environmentally acceptable methodologies and innovative equipment.

Nuclear Generation Projects Group

General and targeted assistance and consulting in the management of nuclear energy projects, including the design, construction, operation and modernization stages of NPPs, introduction of advanced technologies for energy efficiency and safety of nuclear facilities, in compliance with international standards and national regulating and legal acts.

Группа Stakeholder Engagement​

Development and implementation of the complex joint program for public outreach to improve the general perception of the nuclear industry, utilizing social media platforms and organizing open nuclear-themed events (lectures, conferences, debates)

Operational Group

Operational support for AIDA's activities and projects, including legal, financial, and administrative aspects.

IRS and RW Projects Group

Comprehensive support of scientific, research, and commercial projects for the production of technogenic and medical ionizing radiation sources (IRS), as well as the support in providing integrated solutions for managing storage, transportation, and final disposal of radioactive waste (RW).


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The cost of abandoning nuclear energy: what Kazakhstan can learn from Germany’s experience Published...

AIDA and Korea Nuclear Association (KNA) signed Memorandum of Understanding on nuclear energy development 🇰🇿 🇰🇷

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The Atomic Industry Development Association at the I Summit of green parties “ARAL” – 2024

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We develop strategic partnerships with:

Regulatory documents

The establishment of AIDA is a big step towards building a platform for coordinating the activities of Kazakhstan's nuclear industry participants, which is a vital task in light of the global “revival” of nuclear energy and its key position in achieving energy security and sustainable economic growth in Kazakhstan.

Timur Zhantikin Member of the AIDA Board of Directors General Director of KNPP LLP

The establishment of AIDA marks a significant stride towards creating a unified platform that merges industry best practices with international standards. This is a crucial move to protect the interests of Kazakhstan's nuclear industry in the face of the global 'renessaince' of atomic energy, a sector that plays a pivotal role in achieving energy security and sustainable economic growth in Kazakhstan. At the same time, AIDA is not just a mechanism for investment and networking. It is a pivotal force, acting on consensus, to build relationships between the industry and government agencies, shaping a shared vision for the future of the nuclear industry. By joining AIDA, you open doors to new opportunities and potential for personal and professional growth. You become part of an ambitious initiative designed to contribute to the growth of the nuclear industry and every AIDA member equally!

Aldiyar Toktarov Director